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Gum disease, also known as periodontal disease, is a disease that can dramatically impact oral health. If it becomes advanced, it can cause the bones of the jaw to decay and teeth to fall out. Gum disease occurs when plaque builds up on the teeth and causes the gums to pull away from the bone. This creates little pockets where bacteria collects, eventually leading to infection and a breakdown of tissue.

While gum disease is the leading cause of tooth loss in adults, it can be prevented when discovered early. Plaque buildup happens because of inadequate dental hygiene. When you and your dentist determine you are at risk for periodontal disease, you can take steps to correct it. The earlier you notice the signs, the better the chance you can prevent long term complications.

How to Detect Periodontal Disease Early On

Gum disease goes through multiple stages. Gingivitis is the first stage. Catching it before or during this stage means it can still be easily treated. However, signs may not be obvious until the disease is more advanced so it is important to know the indicators and pay attention to your oral health. Any of these can indicate a risk for gum disease:

  • Bleeding During Brushing (Most Common)
  • Mouth Pain or Tenderness
  • Bad Breath
  • Swollen Gums
  • Redness of Gums

As gum disease advances, you may notice more severe symptoms, including:

  • Receding Gums
  • Loose Teeth
  • Separating Teeth
  • Changes to Your Bite

If you notice any of these signs, it is important to contact your dentist right away. Your dentist will also be looking for these indications of periodontal disease and other gum issues during your regular dental visits, which is part of why maintaining the recommended schedule is important.

At Dental Concepts and Orthopedics, we’ll perform an oral examination if these signs are present in order to confirm whether you’re at risk for or struggling with gum disease. From there, we can take steps to reverse it, including a deep clean and disinfecting treatments.

Gum disease that has worsened past the gingivitis stage may need additional support. Our periodontal disease treatments in Salinas help mitigate the damage and keep your teeth healthy.

Even if you have only noticed minor symptoms that might be related to gum disease, it is worthwhile to schedule a dental visit. We work with our Salinas patients to identify signs as early as possible in order to increase the effects of treatment and put you on the right path to gum health.